Our Procedures
9:00 for AM 4’s, 4-day and 5-day 3’s
9:15 for 2’s and 3-day 3’s.
12:30 p.m. for all PM Classes
Park in the rear parking lot or on the street – NOT IN THE CIRCLE.
The classrooms will be open 5 minutes prior to class time. After helping a child off with outer clothing at the cubbies, parents or caregivers are to escort their child to the classroom to greet the teachers. We cannot be responsible for any child without prior knowledge of his/her arrival. Please be prompt in bringing your child to school. It is difficult for most children to walk into a classroom of children who have already begun their activities. After saying good-bye and leaving your child it is most helpful and considerate to leave the parking lot quickly so other parents may park and bring in their children. We have tried to stagger the arrivals and dismissals to ease the parking lot congestion but without your cooperation it is for naught.
11:15 for 2’s,
11:30 for the 4-day and 5-day 3’s,
11:45 for the AM 4’s and 3-day 3’s
3:00 for the PM 3’s
3:15 for PM 4’s
The children will be together in the hallway a few minutes before pick-up time. Parents will remain outside during dismissal for security reasons. If you are in the drive-in circle REMAIN in your car and a teacher will bring your child to the car and buckle him/her in. It is safer and easier for children and staff if the car seat is on the right side of the car. Please end cell phone calls, turn off the radio or CD’s BEFORE we put your child in the car; it is so important for them to hear your greeting right away.
If the circle is full do not wait on the street in line – it is illegal and unsafe. Please park in the lot or on the street and pick your child up at the end of the path by the playground, leaving the sidewalk and path clear. If you are taking three or more children home, please pull into the parking lot and wait at the end of the walk.
Seatbelts and Car Seats
Staff members will not put children in the front seat or leave them unbuckled in the back seat because of liability issues and more importantly for the safety of your child(ren). New York State Law requires that all children under the age of 4 be buckled into an approved car seat either in the front seat or back seat. Children are at high risk for severe injury or death if seated in front seats with or without airbags. All children under the age of sixteen MUST wear a seat belt in the back or front seat. If you feel differently please pull into the lot and pick up your child(ren) at the end of the path.
Car Pools and Play Dates
You must notify us in writing if your child will be picked up by anyone else. Without such notification we will not let your child leave until we can contact you. You may leave dismissal permission notes on the office door or keep a general letter of permission for friends, neighbors, etc. on file in the office. Please advise us in writing of regular carpool members. Permission note paper and pencils are in entry hall. Leave all notes on office door bulletin board.
The paintings, drawing, and constructions your child makes in school are important as a process far more than they are as art products. Remember that your child sees this as an extension of himself. It has value to her because she made it. Look at it with him and help him to share with you the fun in creating it, rather than asking “What is it?’ Please check your child’s canvas art bag which will come home weekly.
Birthdays are special events for children of all ages. We celebrate every child’s birthday at snack time. Refreshments should be simple and easy to serve, i.e. cupcakes, brownies, ice cream cups, etc. Hint: the children really don’t like thick frosting and whatever you bring please bring the exact same thing for each one. For example, 6 vanilla cupcakes and 6 chocolate ones for 12 children translates to 9 children who want vanilla and only 3 want chocolate. Solomon isn’t on staff. You may bring special napkins or plates but balloons, party favors, noisemakers and bags of candy are not appropriate for a party at school. If you are planning an outside party PLEASE mail invitations or thank-you notes.